
Department of Clinical Rehabilitation

The department educates and manages the Physiotherapy study program at the undergraduate and graduate level. The scientific research of the academic staff includes the clinical and instrumental objectification of movement function and dysfunction as well as the quantitative interpretation of physiotherapy methods.

Examples include the projects of the Student Grant Competition (IGA UP - Internal Grant Agency UP) such as Modified Sensory Input Objectification in Clinical Rehabilitation, Objectification of the Use of Purpose-Focused Movement, Observation, Movement Imagination in Rehabilitation, and Muscle Synergy Objectification in Upper Limb Ideo-Motoric Function.

Kinesiology Laboratory
The department together with the Rehabilitation Ward of the University Hospital Olomouc possesses motor function analysis equipment which is absolutely unique in the Czech Republic. The kinesiology lab has the dynamic posturography system Noraxon and surface electromyography systems (MyoSystem 1400 and TeleMyo). A recent addition to the measuring technology is treadmills with built-in force plate C-Mill and Zebris, which enable the objectification of walk cycle evaluation, walking speed measurement, step length, forces during walking and walking over obstacles with simulated video feedback. EMG compatible video cameras for synchronized EMG signal and image are used for graphic presentation and easier results interpretation in the studies performed by researchers and students. The highly specialized technical equipment of the kinesiology lab is among the best technology in the Czech Republic; it offers unique practical experience to students and researchers to work with a wide spectrum of objectification measures and to use them for motor function analysis in a practical setting.

The center is a service facility of the Faculty of Health Sciences. It unites the teaching staff and professionals in pre-clinical, theoretical, and clinical fields that guarantee the education of all study programs at Faculty of Health Sciences. The research activities of the staff are based on their professional field.


doc. MUDr. Petr Konečný, Ph.D., MBA  58 563 2830
Deputy Head
Mgr. Jana Vyskotová, Ph.D.  58 563 2835
Renáta Ludínová

 58 563 2832

Ing. Markéta Nosková

 58 563 2833

Other Contacts

doc. PhDr. Barbora Kolářová, Ph.D.  58 844 2301
doc. Mgr. Robert Vysoký, Ph.D.  58 563 2832
MUDr. Stanislav Horák, Ph.D., MBA 58 844 3644
MUDr. Petr Kolář, Ph.D., MHA  58 844 5197
RNDr. Milan Elfmark  58 563 2832
Mgr. Petra Gaul Aláčová, Ph.D.  58 563 2835
Mgr. Věra Jančíková, Ph.D.  58 844 5943
PhDr. Romana Holaňová  58 563 2832
Mgr. Radek Mlíka, Ph.D.  58 563 2832
Mgr. Anita Můčková, Ph.D.  58 563 2826
Mgr. Alena Svobodová, Ph.D.  58 563 2834
Mgr. Jakub Šichnárek, Ph.D.  58 563 2832
Mgr. Libor Bartejs  58 844 3348
Mgr. Marta Dus  58 563 2832
Mgr. Lenka Fasnerová  58 563 2832
Mgr. Anna Garajová  58 563 2832
Mgr. Miroslav Haltmar 58 844 4468
Mgr. Barbora Hrubišová  58 844 3348
Mgr. Zuzana Janáčová Bušíková, Ph.D.  58 563 2832
Mgr. Martina Jiráčková  
Mgr. Marcela Kučerová, Dis.  58 563 2832
Mgr. Veronika Pudilová  
Mgr. Renáta Špannerová  58 563 2832
Mgr. Kateřina Teplá  58 563 2832
Mgr. Marek Tomsa  58 844 2937
Mgr. Lada Zbořilová  58 563 2832
Bc. Ivana Krejčí  58 563 2832

Department of Nursing

The Department of Nursing offers a comprehensive educational system in nursing – degree in bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. programme in Nursing. The bachelor’s degree is offered in the study branch General Nurse, master’s degree in Nursing Care in Internal Specialty. All programmes are offered as full-time and combined form, as well as life-long education form.

Science and research activities of the department focus on the following areas: competences transformation of non-medical healthcare professionals (general nurse) in the Czech republic, implementation of a standardised nursing terminology NANDA International, NIC, NOC in nursing care in the Czech environment, using the concept of basic stimulation in nursing care, areas of multicultural care, palliative care, care for people with disabilities, evidence-based practice in nursing. An international conference "Professionalism in Nursing" is organised by the department in order to exchange knowledge from professional nursing in a formal and informal way.

The department closely cooperates with partner educational and scientific institutions in the Czech Republic as well as abroad. The department is a member of the international organisation ENNE- European Network for Higher Education in Nursing and cooperates with the international nursing organisation Sigma Theta Tau at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, USA.


Mgr. Daniela Bartoníčková  58 563 2825
Deputy Head
Mgr. Šárka Šaňáková, Ph.D.  58 563 2815
Dagmar Pešátová  58 563 2819
Eva Kollárová  58 563 2802

Other Contacts

prof. MUDr. Daniel Šaňák, Ph.D., FESO  58 844 3432
doc. MUDr. Čestmír Číhalík, CSc.  58 844 3223, 58 563 2821
doc. MUDr. Miroslav Kala, CSc.  58 563 2815
doc. Mgr. Elena Gurková, PhD.  58 563 2825
MUDr. Dana Galuszková, Ph.D., MBA  58 844 2263, 58 844 2893
Mgr. Bc. Petra Kaduchová, Ph.D.  58 563 2820
Mgr. Jana Konečná, Ph.D.  58 563 2820
PhDr. Lenka Machálková, Ph.D.  58 563 2813
Mgr. Lenka Mazalová, Ph.D.  58 563 2814
PhDr. Eva Procházková, PhD.  58 563 2821
RNDr. Eva Reiterová, Ph.D.  58 563 2821
Mgr. Blažena Ševčíková, Ph.D., LLM  58 563 2829
Mgr. Lenka Štureková, Ph.D.  58 563 2825
Mgr. Veronika Dobešová, DiS.  58 563 2821
Mgr. Ilona Antoníčková  58 563 2824
Mgr. Petra Kašparová, Ph.D.  58 563 2824
Mgr. Bc. Světlana Kašubová  58 844 2803
Mgr. Lenka Neumannová  58 844 5300, 58 563 2825
Mgr. Simona Pivovarová  58 563 2821
Mgr. Eva Prušová, Ph.D.  58 563 2821
Mgr. Irena Přibylová  58 563 2824
Mgr. Aneta Přikrylová  58 563 2820
Mgr. Lenka Urbášková  58 563 2824

Department of Midwifery

The department offers an undergraduate degree in midwifery in full-time and part time study programs. One of the main focuses of the publishing and scientific research of the staff is validation and implementation of specialized Nanda International terminology in practical midwifery. These issues are mostly dealt with in the Internal Grant Agency (IGA) UP competition.

Other Contacts

Mgr. Renata Hrubá, Ph.D.  58 563 2806
Mgr. Bc. Daniela Javornická  58 563 2812
Mgr. Radmila Dorazilová, Ph.D.  58 563 2822
Mgr. et Mgr. Věra Dostalíková  58 563 2822
MUDr. Tomáš Kilián  58 563 2822
Prof. PhDr. Ľudmila Matulníková, PhD.  58 563 2822
Mgr. Veronika Nováková  58 563 2812
Prof. MUDr. Martin Procházka, Ph.D.  58 563 1001
Mgr. Kateřina Svancarová  58 563 2822
MUDr. Radovan Vlk  58 563 2812

Department of Radiological Methods

The department offers an undergraduate degree for Radiology Assistants in full-time and part time study programs. It participates in a number of scientific research projects and organizes conferences and seminars with the Radiology Clinic of the Medical Faculty UP. Research is focused on fields that use ionized radiation, magnetic resonance or ultrasound for diagnostic imaging and treatment, radiobiology, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine.

Other Contacts

prof. MUDr. Milan Kamínek, Ph.D.  58 844 4284
doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Vomáčka, Ph.D.,MBA  58 563 2882
MUDr. Martin Doležílek  58 563 2880
MUDr. Yvona Klementová  58 844 4686
MUDr. Tomáš Klimas  58 844 3481
MUDr. Radim Kovář  58 844 3480
MUDr. Michal Osika  58 563 2880
MUDr. Jiří Kozák  58 844 3480
MUDr. Jana Páterová  58 844 4264
MUDr. Lucia Veverková, Ph.D.  58 844 4736
MUDr. Petr Utíkal  58 544 3481
Ing. Jiří Horalík, Dis.  58 844 4263
Ing. Jaroslav Ptáček, Ph.D.  58 844 3653
Ing. Petr Vybíral, Dis.  58 844 4287
Mgr. Lada Skácelová, MBA.  58 844 3481
Mgr. Tomáš Vávra, DiS  58 844 4595
Ing. Petr Fiala  
Ing. Lenka Dohnalová  
Ing. Václav Novák  58 844 4312
Mgr. David Gremlica  58 844 4312
Mgr. Veronika Hegerová  58 844 4287
Bc. Vladimíra Hildebrandtová, Dis.  58 844 4683
Mgr. Pavel Karhan  58 844 4277
Mgr. Jiří Kozel  58 563 2884
Bc. Martin Petrásek, MBA  58 563 2880
Mgr. Tomáš Tichý  97 340 7022
Bc. Kateřina Nováková, DiS.  58 844 4595
Bc. Pavla Strásenská, DiS.  58 844 4287
Bc. František Odstrčil  58 844 3480
Bc. Iveta Šinclová  58 844 4683
Bc. Alena Vaněčková  58 563 2881
Pavla Goldmannová  58 844 4287

Department of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care

The Department of Emergency Medicine and Intensive care offers a qualification programme within the auspices of the Specialisations in Healthcare programme. Graduates will acquire the ability to perform the medical profession of Emergency Medical Technician without additional professional supervision.

Instruction is aimed at acquiring the professional knowledge and practical skills necessary for profiling graduates in team, independent, and creative work in performing the profession of Emergency Medical Technician. They are prepared to perform activities independently within the auspices of providing specific emergency care in conjunction with valid legislation to individuals, families, and groups, on the basis of one’s own and assessment and decisions, or on the basis of a doctor’s orders. They are also taught to uphold healthcare ethics, to respect patients’ personalities and rights, to adhere to the standards of pre-hospital emergency care, the standards for nursing care, and are prepared for the activities of operational management. They are capable of effectively developing their professional field, taking part in constructing a creative atmosphere in the workplace and in institutions, and are also capable of critical thinking, using the principle of Evidence-Based Practice, which allows a systemic approach to problem solving.
The Department of Emergency Medicine and Intensive Care works closely with the services of the Integrated Rescue Services of the Olomouc Region.
The preparation and implementation of the courses is aimed at providing first aid.


Mgr. Marinella Danosová, DiS.  58 563 2890
Deputy head
Mgr. Radana Pěrůžková  58 563 2890
Ing. Jana Lakomá  58 563 2883

Other Contacts

prof. MUDr. Igor Čižmář, Ph.D.  
doc. MUDr. Pavel Dráč, Ph.D.  58 563 2883
MUDr. Břetislav Bolard  58 563 2883
PhDr. Tomáš Bortl, DiS.  58 563 2883
Mgr. Vladimír Jarušek, MBA  58 563 2883
Mgr. Jana Frýdlová  58 563 2883
Mgr. Jana Králová  58 563 2883
PhDr. Ing. Petr Matouch, Ph.D.  58 563 2883
Mgr. Olga Nádvorníková  58 563 2883
Mgr. Gabriela Sedláková  58 563 2883
Mgr. Josef Škroch  58 563 2883
Bc. Jan Lasovský  58 563 2883

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

The teaching staff provides education in Psychology, Special Education, Ethics, Healthcare Education, foreign languages and other specialized courses for all study programs of the faculty.

The publishing and research activities include the problems of qualitative and quantitative research in nursing, lifestyle and its limits, chronic disease problems, prevention and occurrence of burnout syndrome in general nurses, and the research of health-protecting factors. The staff focuses on the use of quantitative research triangulation in the study of people with chronic disease. The target group is multiple sclerosis patients. This research is very unique in the field of nursing. Publication outcomes deal with problems in nursing research, measurement and evaluation tools for specific chronic diseases, and with the interconnection of special education and nursing intervention, communication and approach.


Mgr. Šárka Vévodová, Ph.D.  58 563 2839
Deputy Head
Mgr. Hana Sobotková, Ph.D.  58 563 1210
Mgr. Šárka Rýznarová  58 563 2839

Other Contacts

Mgr. Jiří Vévoda, Ph.D.  58 563 2850
Mgr. Lukáš Merz, Ph.D.  58 563 1210
Mgr. Simona Dobešová Cakirpaloglu, Ph.D.  58 563 2817
Mgr. Radka Kozáková  58 563 2839
Mgr. Kamil Harvánek, Ph.D.  58 563 2839
Mgr. Lenka Petrová  58 563 2839
Mgr. Jan Koblížek, Ph.D.  58 563 2839
Mgr. Kristýna Zástavová  58 563 2839
Vojtěch Žídek  58 563 2839


doc. PhDr. Eva Hrdinová, Ph.D.  
PaedDr. Miloslava Čecháčková  
PhDr. Barbara Pokorná, Ph.D.  
ThLic. Mgr. Jana Nováková, PhD.  
Mgr. Naďa Petrová, Ph.D.  
PhDr. Lucia Pastieriková, Ph.D.  
Mgr. Vendula Techmannová  
PhDr. Jitka Tomanová, Ph.D.  

Department of Healthcare Management and Public Health

The Department of Healthcare Management and Public Health guarantees and provides teaching in the follow-up master´s degree program Organization and Management in Healthcare in full-time and part-time form.
The aim of the master´s degree program Organization and Management in Healthcare is to prepare graduates – healthcare workers to perform management and organizational functions in health and social institutions. Graduates will acquire the expertise of medical specialization - Specialist in Organization and Management in Healthcare.

The bachelor´s degree program Public Health is also newly accredited in full-time and part-time form. The teaching started in September 2021.
The new bachelor´s degree program Public Health is very actual, designed to help saturate staff shortages in the field of public health. And it is also unique due to the part-time form that we are the only one opening in The Czech Republic.
The graduates will acquire the ability to perform the medical profession in the position of assistant of public health according to the relevant legislation.
The employment of graduates is very wide, with the main domain being The Regional Public Health Authority. Aplications can also be found in healthcare facilities focusing on preventive health services, workplaces dealing with occupational health protection, in research etc.

At the same time our department provides education of economic, legal and managerial subjects for all study programs implemented at Faculty of Health Sciences.

Employees of The Department of Healthcare Management and Public Health actively participate in scientific research within Science and Research Centre at Faculty of Health Sciences.


doc. MUDr. Helena Kollárová, Ph.D.  58 563 2861
Deputy Head
Mgr. Ondřej Machaczka, Ph.D.  58 563 2803
Mgr. Pavlína Krystýnová  58 563 2827

Department of Preclinical Subjects

It is a professional Department which focuses on the guarantee and implementation of specialized subjects within individual study programmes at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Department is an essential part of the Faculty involved in improving the quality of the educational process.

Pedagogical and scientific research focus of the Department

The staff have long focused on the issues of somatic development, physical activity and lifestyle of children, youth and adult population. They are involved in activities in the field of primary prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and obesity in children and youth. They also focus on adult and ageing population issues in relation to lifestyle and living conditions.

Currently, the Department staff are working on the project "Active aging- a healthy lifestyle", which is being implemented within the framework of the AURORA Mini-Grants UP Alliance project. The Department collaborates with the Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice (Slovakia) and with the Departament ď Anthropologia, Filosofia i Treball Social, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona (Spain). The project focuses on the lifestyle and living conditions of the elderly before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other research activities include the use of imaging methods in the field of biological anthropology. In the field of gynaecology and obstetrics, the focus is on monitoring the somatic condition of pregnant women, the quality of life in women with stress urinary incontinence. In the field of cultural and social anthropology, the focus is on the quality of life. The Department staff are also involved in supervising students' undergraduate and graduate theses and mentoring students within the Student research programme (SVOC).

The Department staff organize professional seminars and conferences. The Department is responsible for running the specialized course of the University of the Third Age called "How to live well and take care of your health?". The Department also runs the yearly educational retraining / certified / programme called "Health Worker for Leisure time activities".


doc. PaedDr. Miroslav Kopecký, Ph.D.  58 563 2811
Zástupce přednosty pro školství
Mgr. Petra Pičmanová, Ph.D.  58 563 2823
     58 563 2823

Ostatní členové

MUDr. Gabriela Hanslianová  58 563 2823
Mgr. Romana Klášterecká, Ph.D.  58 563 2823
MUDr. Jana Malinčíková, Ph.D.  58 844 2513
 58 563 2823
Ing. Hana Střítecká Dis., Ph.D.  58 563 2823
MUDr. Monika Žurková, Ph.D.  58 844 4732

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