8. 7. 2021
Do you like to discover new things? Do you enjoy accepting challenges and want to test your knowledge and practical skills in the field? Then it is time to start preparing for your traineeship abroad.
2. 7. 2021
Dear colleagues and students, The end of the summer semester is nearing, one which was again drastically influenced by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. I would like to thank all of you for how you coped with this unusual situation...
23. 6. 2021
On the basis of the cessation of the extraordinary government measures dated 7 June (in Czech), as of 1 July, blanket testing of UP employees and students is no longer mandatory on UP premises. The current regular testing at...
22. 5. 2021
Forty students of the General Medicine programme at the UP Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry have joined the ranks of Palacký University graduates in recent days. These Doctors of Medicine are now setting off to serve under the...
21. 5. 2021
Palacký University Olomouc students have one less obstacle to worry about. They will no longer have to go to the university in person to get a confirmation of their studies: from now on, they can generate it on their own via the...
10. 5. 2021
As of 10 May, the current system of exemptions allowing the most important retail segments has ended. All retailers can open again, the reduction of a range of products and markets has also ended, the range of services has been...
3. 5. 2021
Since 1 May, Palacký University Olomouc has had a new rector: Prof Martin Procházka. In this exclusive interview for UP Žurnál, he introduces his plans and visions, and his team of vice-rectors.
29. 4. 2021
Mini SPOT Olomouc, a student association made up of occupational therapy students, has been launched at UP FHS, as part of an international organisation that supports future occupational therapists with their education and by...
19. 4. 2021
Are you interested in developing your professional skills? This may, our Aurora partners at the University of Naples Federico II offer a free online course, focused on developing skills in grant and CV writing, and how to get a...