9. 2. 2018

While summer schools have become traditional events at Palacký University, a winter school will have its premiere. The UP International Relations Office and the UP Faculty of Law are finishing the preparations of the Winter School...

29. 1. 2018

After more than two years, the philological departments and the Dean’s office of the UP Faculty of Arts are moving back to their newly renovated building at 10 Křížkovského Street. The first to leave the premises of 26 Třída...

6. 12. 2017

Charles E. Merrill, American philanthropist, publisher, founder of the Commonwealth School in Boston, writer and educator, passed away in Nowy Sącz, Poland in late November at the age of 97. Merrill’s long-term educational...

20. 9. 2017

Students at the newly opened Global Development (GLODEP) Studies at the Department of Development and Environmental Studies are getting acquainted with the Faculty of Science, the university, the city itself, and Czech customs,...

28. 7. 2017

Almost two hundred students, teachers, and employees of various Chinese universities have arrived for studies at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc. Under the auspices of the Summer Schools of European and Czech...

26. 7. 2017

It is summer school time! On Monday 24th July 2017 we welcomed a nice group of young students from all around the world who came to Palacký University Olomouc to take part in the first year of the Summer School - Central Europe:...

20. 7. 2017

More than one hundred students from twenty-three countries will study Czech at Palacký University this year in the Summer School of Slavonic Studies, held at UP’s Arts Centre. In its 31st year, the school includes a...

23. 5. 2017

Dear Alumnae, Dear Alumni, we are pleased to invite you to another, this time less formal, meeting of Palacký University graduates called "Olomouc in Prague". Please note the date of August 12, 2017, in your diaries, a summer...

23. 5. 2017

Palacký University stays busy even during the summer months, when the students enjoy their deserved holidays. We hereby present you the list of the summer schools taking place at Palacký University this summer. Central Europe:...

17. 3. 2017

International Film Festival Academia Film Olomouc of science documentary films, currently one of the most important European festivals in the area of popular science film, is approaching at the speed of light. Write down the dates...

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