The Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation hosted experts from Israel

Úterý 22. říjen 2024, 8:00 – Text: David Kresta

The Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation FZV UP hosted a foreign visit last week. Experts in the field of orofacial rehabilitation Tzvika Greenbaum and Michal Linkovski gave lectures and a practical workshop to the students of Fyzioterapie and Physiotherapy.

Both experts work at the University of Haifa, Israel. Tzvika Greenbaum focuses on the issue of cervical spine pain, craniomandibular pain and cervicogenic headache. He was also the keynote speaker at the Mikulov Days of Rehabilitation and Spa conference, which was organized by the Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation of the FZV UP a few days ago. Michal Linkovski is a physiotherapist specializing in orofacial rehabilitation and issues of cervical spine and jaw joint pain. "Lectures by foreign lecturers were very well received by both physiotherapy students and the professional public. The students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in the field of orofacial rehabilitation and establish valuable contacts with international experts. This visit significantly contributed to the development of the educational activities of our institute and strengthened cooperation with leading foreign experts in the field of physiotherapy. The Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation hereby expresses its gratitude to both lecturers for their contribution and looks forward to further cooperation," summarized the head of the institute, Petr Konečný.


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