The midwifery school offered a varied program for foreign students and lecturers

Palacký University rector Martin Procházka led the practical workshop of first-trimester ultrasound screening.
Čtvrtek 10. říjen 2024, 10:30 – Text: David Kresta

Newborn resuscitation, ultrasound screening, suturing birth wounds, preeclampsia or physiotherapy - these are just a few topics from the busy program of this year's international School in Midwifery. Academics and students from partner institutions from Belgium, Estonia, Germany and Slovakia visited the fifth year of the event organized by the Institute of Midwifery of FZV UP.

"One of the main goals of the midwifery school is the exchange of experience between individual countries. This year's event was enriched by midwifery students and lecturers from the University of Leipzig. We know from the reactions so far that everyone appreciated the rich program and the week spent in Olomouc was beneficial for everyone," said Štěpánka Bubeníková, head of the midwifery institute, about the event, which was attended by almost thirty foreign students.

In the program of the international school, the lecture of Richard Špaček, the head physician of the delivery rooms of the Ostrava University Hospital, on the management of vaginal birth after caesarean section, aroused great interest. "I would also highlight the practical workshop of first-trimester ultrasound screening led by Palacký University rector Martin Procházka or Daniela Javornická's workshop on the topic of shoulder dystocia in the fetus. Research carried out at the University of Leipzig regarding students' attitudes towards international exchanges and experiences abroad was also included in the program. After last year's good experience, there was also a connection with the concurrently running School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, as part of an interdisciplinary workshop," pointed out Štěpánka Bubeníková.

The Midwifery School was organized by the Institute of Midwifery FZV in cooperation with the Olomouc Faculty Hospital as part of the BIP Erasmus+ program.


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