Welcome, Students from University of Nebraska

Pátek 17. březen 2017, 12:50

Students from University of Nebraska have just arrived to the city of Olomouc to spend 3 months studying at our university, namely the Department of History of Faculty of Arts. The 24 students are participants of Nebraska Semester Abroad programme organized by University of Nebraska in the United States and they are going to be taught here by the specialists from our university.

Their first steps in the Czech Republic were planned by the International Relations Office in cooperation with students from the International Students of History Association. The participants got to hear interesting facts about the history of Olomouc in a lecture by Professor Peprník, which included a guided tour, found out more about the idea of Europe in a lecture by Professor Jařab, were shown the city hall, and last but not least, they received all the practical information necessary for their stay.

In the future months, the American students will participate in courses individually tailored by the department concerning the history and culture of central Europe as well as a voluntary course of Czech language. On the top of the lectures, the group will take field trips within the Czech Republic, to Italy, Poland, Austria, and Hungary to enhance the international program with experiential learning.

The programme has been successfully organized since 1992 and has introduced many participants to the central Europe. To see more about the programme as well as blogs of current and former participants, visit: http://www.unk.edu/international/study_abroad/nebraska-semester-abroad-program.php


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